Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nearly There

It hasn't quite dawned on me yet, but in a couple of weeks I think I'm probably going to be in love with DE blasters.

It's like a tiny dark lance!

I keep writing them off as options because of the short range. My brain keeps telling me they suck because DE are paper compared to space marines, and the main reason meltagun squads do so well is because they have so much more survivability. Except that blasters have a significantly longer range* and they don't lose any effectiveness by being at the full length of that range.

It keeps ebbing and flowing. I just start to think blasters are the best shit since squeeze butter, and then my brain goes 'oh, nevermind, they're only ok again'.


* - 30 inches in a transport!!!

1 comment:

  1. Gheilt, I wanted to ask you a few questions, but can't find contact info for you. E-mail me at

    there are things to be discussed.
    PS, totally digging your blog.
