Monday, June 21, 2010

More additions to the blogroll

I just added a few more blogs to the roll. These blogs mostly belong to more people who I like to see comments from on other blogs. In no particular order:

Whiskey & 40k
Mike Brandt (aka MVB) among other things, is the man behind the NOVA Open Warhammer tournament. This is sure to be an incredible event, and if it were a little closer to home (and if I were anything remotely resembling prepared) I might be attending. He's another guy I always like reading in the comments section, but I never realized he had his own blog. I suppose it would make sense, I just never really thought of it until I saw this article linked to from another site. It's among the most relevant 40k articles out there.

40k For the New Professional
This is one I found under recommendation from Dethtron. I think they may know each other irlz. The blog spends a lot of time relating 40k to other Business-related things and contains a lot of interesting life skills as related to 40k. Also, while fairly subtle, the awesome sense of humor that Dethtron spoke of is there in spades. Definitely my kind of thing.

3++ Is the New Black
Written by Kirby, this is a blog I've been aware of for a little while and have heard many good things about, but just haven't yet taken the time to really check it out. Well, I have finally gotten around to it, and so now it's on the roll.

Mind War FTW
Pretty much the same as 3++ as far as I finally got around to checking it out so I've deemed it worthy of the roll. The_King_Elessar runs this one and he's got some great stuff as well.

That's all the new additions for now. I fear that before long I'll have too many blogs on my roll to be displayed properly. Oh well. I guess I can always make it bigger.

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