Friday, June 18, 2010

Army List 3: Rubbish and Novelty

I've decided to split my currently remaining lists into separate posts to help keep my posts shorter*.

In this edition, I have two armies that I really like but that I won't ever play. I just think they are fun/neat/whatever. Due to that, they aren't really finished, nor are they actual lists. Just ideas, sort of.

First up:
Novelty - ORK HORDE!!!


30 Boyz
30 Boyz
30 Boyz
30 Boyz
30 Boyz
30 Boyz



Awwww yeah. I've no idea how many points that is nor do I know anything about the Ork codex (other than it is totally hilarious and awesome) but getting to put 180 models on the table is just made of win. I'm pretty sure I can fit like 50 more into the other FOC slots, but I don't know their codex so I'm not sure. The obvious point of the list is to cram as many bodies in as possible. Mostly for teh lulz.

I would never play this list. First of all, as much fun as their fluff is anymore, I still just don't like Orks that much. And who has time to make 180 models? With Ork pricing, that's still probably under 1000 points. Nuts to that. This is just something I think is fun. Also worth noting is that even knowing they are actually Orks, playing against 180 power armored models would be incredibly intimidating.


Ok, well maybe not a horde, or an actual list, but still Grey Knights.

The Grey Knights have some of the best fluff around. Nathaniel Garro is my hero and I don't care what Amazon says, this is the best book in series. (though to be fair, I've only read the first 8 or 9)

Outside of fluff, though, GK are units that I really like. Storm bolters, True Grit-SB, nemesis weapons. All things that make me very happy. Psycannons! Oh man, love these things. Seriously. Even after they FAQd them against cover saves, still <3 psycannons. 25 points a model though? No thank you. Or, well, maybe.

Ok, here's the thing about GK cost: they are super cheap for what you get. GK troops are incredibly powerful and worth every point. Assault2, 2attacks, S6, WS5, Shrouding, Aegis Armor, for 25 points? It's crazy. I realized this a while back when I was playing with Loganwing and discovered that a PAWG with storm bolter and frost blade is WAY more expensive than a Grey Knight and isn't even half as good. (1 less WS and S, and no Shrouding or Aegis) So, sure they're expensive, but for what you get they really aren't bad.

No, the thing that makes GK so poor is their options; or lack thereof. Where that PAWG can get a cheap transport and pay 27 points to trade his FB and SB for TDA and 2 krak missiles, the GK gets.... nothing? Well, they can get 2 psycannons and gain 6 S6 invul-save ignoring shots (for 50 points extra), but they have to lose their S6/2A abilities in close combat to get those, and then they still can't really do anything against armor.

Which is actually their other main problem, GK have pretty much no options for anti-armor. Sure, they have options, but they all suck or are lame. All their lascannons are overpriced (GKDreadnought, Land Raider, etc), their autocannons are lame (inducted guard platoon), and their melta is lame too (Inquisitorial Storm Troopers). Ok, so their melta and autocannons are actually pretty good, but they are still totally lame. I don't want to take IG platoons, I want to take Grey Knights damnit! Also, ISTs are quite effective at what they do, but at the end of the day they're suicide squads that take up Troop slots. In an army where I'm relying on my troops to do, well, just about everything, I don't really like throwing away bodies.

GK definitely need a new codex for me to actually field them. Fortunately, they're getting one! I'll have to wait and see how it turns out, but current rumors include:

Rending in CC for all GK (!!!)
Cheaper/better psycannons (!!!)
Storm Ravens (!!!)

These things are all really awesome in my opinion, and definitely will help to make them better. The unfortunate news, however, is that there is currently (from what I understand) no plans to give them cheap transports. Sigh. As much as I hate the Rhino chasis and love foot armies, GK are just not something you can play on foot. Sure they're more resilient than most marines with Shrouding and Aegis, but they cost way too much per model to have them on foot. Three GKs do not significantly outlive five tactical marines, but they cost just the same. In the new codex (from what I hear) their only options will be land raiders and storm ravens. Both awesome vehicles, but also both around 265 points. Land Raiders might be taken as dedicated transports instead of heavy support, like Black Templars are now. Whoop de doo, they still cost too many points.

So until their new codex (and possibly even after that) the GK will remain rubbish and so I shall not be playing them. Here's a list I cooked up for fun anyways though:

3GKT retinue - 3THSS/Holocaust

10 Grey Knights - 2Psycannon/Targeter
10 Grey Knights - 2Psycannon/Targeter
10 Grey Knights - 2Psycannon/Targeter
10 Grey Knights - 2Psycannon/Targeter
10 Grey Knights - 2Psycannon/Targeter

Crap list fo sho, but almost as fun as the Boyz. All on foot, obviously. 50 GK bodies, 30 psycannon shots and 80 storm bolter shots per turn. Fun times. Until they face anything with an armor value higher than 12. They sure would murder infantry though. Footdar, watch out!


* HAH! That's a laugh. I should change the name of this to WallOText40k.blogspot, or perhaps TextCrit40k.blogspot. Yes, I rather like that one.

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